Swift and Reliable Foundation Crack Repairs in Hamilton, MO with Epoxy Injection

Epoxy Injection Foundation Crack Repairs Hamilton MO: A Permanent Solution to Foundation Issues

If you’re a homeowner in Hamilton, MO, and you’re experiencing foundation issues, you’re not alone. Many homeowners in the area face foundation problems due to the soil and climate conditions. The good news is that foundation repairs are possible, and Double T Services LLC can help. We specialize in epoxy injection foundation crack repairs, which is a permanent solution to foundation damage.

In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of epoxy injection foundation crack repairs, how it works, and the average cost. We’ll also cover other foundation repair options, why foundation issues occur, and how to prevent them. Finally, we’ll answer some common questions about foundation repair to help you make an informed decision.

Why Foundation Issues Occur

Foundation issues can occur due to several reasons, such as soil pressure, poor drainage, and water damage. Soil pressure is a common cause of foundation problems. When the soil expands or contracts, it can cause the foundation to shift and crack. Poor drainage can also lead to foundation damage by allowing water to seep into the soil and cause it to shift. Water damage can also weaken the foundation and cause it to crack.

Other factors that can contribute to foundation damage include structural problems, such as large holes or cracks in the foundation, and moisture buildup in the basement or crawlspace. When these issues are left untreated, they can lead to foundation failure, which can be costly to repair.

Foundation Repair Options

There are several foundation repair options available, including helical piers, push piers, slab jacking, and epoxy injection foundation crack repairs. Helical piers are used to stabilize the foundation and prevent further sinking. Push piers are used to lift and level the foundation. Slab jacking is a process that involves pumping a mixture of sand, cement, and water under the foundation to lift it.

Epoxy injection foundation crack repairs are one of the most effective and long-lasting foundation repair options available. This method involves injecting a two-part epoxy resin into the cracks to fill and seal them. The epoxy then hardens and creates a strong bond with the surrounding concrete, providing a permanent solution to foundation damage.

Benefits of Epoxy Injection Foundation Crack Repairs

Epoxy injection foundation crack repairs offer several benefits, including:

  1. Cost-effective: Epoxy injection is often more affordable than total foundation replacement.
  2. Permanent solution: Epoxy injection provides a permanent solution to foundation damage and prevents further damage from occurring.
  3. Minimal disruption: Epoxy injection can be done quickly and with minimal disruption to your daily life.
  4. Resale value: Repairing foundation damage can increase the resale value of your home.

How Epoxy Injection Foundation Crack Repairs Work

The process of epoxy injection foundation crack repairs involves several steps:

  1. Inspection: A structural engineer will inspect the foundation and determine the extent of the damage.
  2. Cleaning: The cracks are cleaned using a wire brush or a grinder to remove any loose concrete.
  3. Sealing: A sealant is applied to the cracks to prevent the epoxy from leaking out.
  4. Epoxy injection: The epoxy is injected into the cracks using a special gun.
  5. Curing: The epoxy is left to cure and harden, which usually takes a few hours.


Epoxy injection foundation crack repairs are a popular and effective method for fixing foundation cracks. This technique involves injecting a low viscosity epoxy resin into the cracks to fill and seal them. The epoxy is then left to cure and harden, creating a strong bond with the surrounding concrete. This process can also be done using polyurethane foams, which expand and fill the cracks. Both methods can be used to repair concrete cracks and improve the structural integrity of the foundation wall.

To perform epoxy crack injection, the cracks are first cleaned using a wire brush or grinder to remove any loose concrete. Next, injection ports are placed along the length of the crack, allowing the epoxy to be injected at various points. A sealant is then applied to the surface of the crack to prevent the epoxy from leaking out. The epoxy is injected into the crack using a special gun, filling the entire length of the crack. Once the epoxy has cured, the injection ports and sealant are removed, leaving a smooth surface.

Polyurethane crack injection is similar to epoxy crack injection but involves injecting a polyurethane foam into the cracks instead of epoxy. The foam expands as it cures, filling the entire crack and creating a waterproof seal. This method is often used for longer cracks or when a low-pressure injection is necessary.

Other methods for foundation crack repair include using crack repair kits, carbon fiber reinforcement, and surface ports for injection. It’s important to have a professional inspect your foundation and determine the best method for repair. A structural repair may be necessary for more severe foundation damage. Preventive measures, such as proper drainage and regular maintenance, can also help prevent foundation issues in the future.


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